A year to lay low

It's January 31st! I haven't posted anything yet on this blog for this year. (Well, until now.) I realize that I do still want to publish something on this blog at least once a month, even if I'm not exactly in a very eventful point in my life. Actually, I think I should say especially because I'm not exactly in a very eventful point in my life.

Over the years, and by years I mean my undergraduate career, my life was full of incredible opportunities and impressive achievements. Now it's just been adulting struggles and accomplishing unremarkable little things. But I am not one to mope (for too long, anyway), because this year, I have decided to make it all ðŸŒŸ about ðŸŒŸ ME. 🌟

Ok, so I make every year about me, and arguably my entire life, but this will be the first year where I have no obligations to an institution, no requirements to fill–just my own personal goals. In a way, that's challenging too. There's nobody telling me I need however many more classes to complete the anthro concentration, for instance. Nobody other than myself is going to hold me accountable for accomplishing the goals I set for myself. Now that I'm in this very calm phase of life, where I have soooo much time to do whatever I want, it's great to think of personal things that I want to work on. Sure, I don't have sugar daddy Harvard funding my every travel wish anymore, but that's only motivation for me to work toward my own trip. And hey, actually travel for fun! No thesis! No homework from study abroad! Just FUN and FRIENDS! And James. ðŸ˜»

That being said, this year is going to be one where I lay low and and set personal goals for myself. To illustrate, here are two pages that I filled up that show what exactly I mean when I mention objectives for this year:

As you can see, I have a lot of personal goals, many of which have to do with things I wouldn't be able to do in New York. Like, play the piano. Learn to play the charango. Drive. I also like to think that I'm decent at art and music and that I've neglected those during my academic career in favor of travel, so now, I can finally give them the attention I deserve. I've even been thinking of creating a new Instagram account to post exclusively art and have a sort of digital portfolio.

An important thing I like to note is my reminder to myself that "You are an EXCELLENT person even if you don't have 'impressive' social media updates." During senior spring, I had become quite depressed seeing everybody update with their fancy jobs and thesis prizes and fellowships and masters programs, while I had nothing of the sort. It got so bad that I deleted my Facebook app because it was all making me miserable. Until now it's still deleted. I don't miss it. I do still go on Facebook on my computer, but have been doing well spending less time on it. While I don't have any major milestones this year to update about on social media (so no more 400+ likes for a picture of me graduating Harvard), it'll be good to lay off it for a bit. And that's totally okay.

I will be updating this blog though! So when I accomplish something like, "Learning 'Oh Cochabamba' on the charango" or "Taking the LSAT f i n a l l y," I will post it here. It will be a way for me to feel proud of accomplishments as worthy of celebrating as turning in a thesis in their own little ways. I also need to record it somewhere for posterity. And by posterity, I mean my mom, my grandmother, my boyfriend, and myself.

That all being said, it's shaping up to be a great year. It will not be as eventful as the most recent years, nor will I have done anything particularly newsworthy. But I know that as I lay low and really work on myself and what I actually want to do, I will enjoy it all the same. 
