GC 21: Things you like about summer

I know this says "things," but I have another blog entry I'm working on so I'd rather make this one quick and pick one main thing.

The thing I'm writing about is how I now have so much time to waste on things I wouldn't even consider getting involved with during the school year.

The first is Snapchat. Now that I've acquired an iPhone, I had almost no choice but to just download the app after people had been telling me for years to do so. I also knew that I'd totally be into it, which I am. I'm glad that it's summer because that means I can spend forever on it and not feel like there are better things to be doing with my time. Plus, I'm a fan of my username, amando.flores, which is a play on words in Spanish and Polish. It might sound a little weird, but "amando" is the Spanish word for "loving," and "flores" means "flowers," so I suppose the phrase could mean that I could be someone who really appreciates a good floral arrangement or an unexpected bouquet as a gift. (Or am I?) But then in Polish, the name Amanda in the vocative declines to "Amando," which actually works out very well.

The second is the TV series Jane the Virgin. My friend Jessica (who I will bring up more in another entry) kept on raving about it to me, and I knew it'd be something I'd be really into from how she described it, but I was just putting off actually watching it like I always do. Until last night, that is.
I met up with her for the last time before she goes on this hardcore odyssey around the world for a year (the girl had to get two passports due to certain visa requirements and her traveling so much, which made me quite jealous because even I haven't done enough traveling in succession to need two passports...), and we were gonna watch this Argentinian film from the 80s but the audio couldn't go loud enough for us to properly understand what people were saying, so instead we watched the first two episodes of Jane the Virgin.
As I'm finishing this entry it's been around twenty-four hours since I first started watching, and I've already seen 6 episodes. Each episode is around forty minutes long, and I was out working for around 8 hours today, so I've really committed myself to this series. Hahaha oops. It's amazing. It's clever, fast-paced, witty, hilarious, overly dramatic, has a ton of intersecting plot lines and new ones that keep on being added, and I love the characters. I also like how the narrating voice is referred to as the "Latin Lover Narrator" in the subtitles. Basically what I need to have narrating my life. Anyway, the series is a refreshing change from the doom and gloom of Game of Thrones (which I have also been a huge fan of since I first binge watched seasons 1-4 in a week in summer 2014). I'm glad to have another TV show to add to my favorites list, and it's all thanks to the time summer is giving me to really enjoy it!
