Who I went to homecoming with

For those of you who may be unfamiliar with it, homecoming is the first major event of the American high school year. In my school it usually occurs around mid-October.
In the two previous years of my schooling experience at my high school, I went with a group of girl friends because I never get asked; I kinda repel guys. Instead of lamenting my situation, I actually wrote a poem about it freshman year for some project.

(Yeah people actually stress out about this supposedly fun dance. I speak from experience. It's way more stress and drama than it's worth.)

I was gonna post my clever piece of poetry on Facebook to show off my wittiness and being dateless (possibly instigating the appearance of more of those creepy romance simulator game ads, which HAVE actually been popping up even more frequently), except this year...


OH, GOD. Who in their right mind would

Needless to say, I was thrown off and didn't know how to act the entire time from the day I got asked till after the evening was over. I'm not accustomed to this business. I'm not one of those girls who gets asked every year, I don't know how to act around boys, I don't do any of that stuff. I just sit in my room and study and write silly things in my blog.

So anyway, I might as well say how I got asked.

It was September 24, Tuesday. I walked into my first class, and at the door the teacher said, "There's something for you on your seat."
My first instinct was to think it was a note from some teacher wanting to talk to me, because that's what usually happens. Except NO.

It was a rose with a card that, when I opened it, said-

I freaked out. I didn't know right away who it was, and it bothered me. I expected another one to come during my second class, if the entire thing wasn't a joke, which I was actually considering since this never happens to me.

Nothing was on my desk when I arrived in my second class. I was irked. But then after the bell rang, my 9th grade advanced biology teacher walked in and announced, "Amanda, I've been asked to give this to you, so I'm giving it to you in front of everyone to embarrass you."
The entire class "oooooh"ed while I took the second rose-card set from him and, as I expected, it only said -

At that point I pretty much knew who it was. The whole "Part 1 of 4" and "Part 2 of 4" kinda gave it away, as did the fact that my previous science teacher had been asked to give it to me.
Later during that period I asked to leave the class so I could put the rose and card in my locker, because it was distracting and I preferred to focus on the anatomy lesson.

I wondered what would happen during 3rd period, because he (for privacy reasons we will call him Andromeda) was in that class. I pretended like nothing was happening. And then my teacher went up to me and handed me the third rose-card set.

I totally knew what it said before opening it, so I just groaned "Noooooo" and planted my face on my desk. The entire class noticed and went "Awwwwww!" And when I looked up, he was standing in front of me, holding the last card-

-and a freaking bouquet of roses.
Well, it was a public ask, I had no choice but to say yes.
Woooo applause applause yaaay


In order to somewhat understand why I reacted that way, here's some background on this guy. He and I were in a fierce rivalry in 8th grade and continually strove to get better test scores than one another. I hated it, but I usually beat him. Except once, towards the end of the year, his grade ended up being 0.39% better than mine, and he made a song about it that he would incessantly sing to me and our science teacher.

Him, our science teacher, and me, end of 8th grade, c. May - June 2010
Oh yes I did.
And then in 9th grade, he ended up in the same science class as me again and I still hated it, but oh well.
He's ridiculously good at math, having completed calculus in 11th grade. Oh and he and I are both in the running for valedictorian. Apparently he already has his speech written.
He also pointed out the day I got asked that he spent sooo much time cutting out the cards so that the white space between the words and edge of the paper would be even on all of them. Woooow.
As I spent 11th grade in France (read about it here), it seemed he missed my company intelligence. So now that it's senior year, Andromeda is in half of my classes since we're taking all IB classes with the smartest, most driven kids in the school.

I guess being asked meant I haaaad to go to homecoming. Had I not been asked, I definitely would have gone with a bunch of my girl friends as usual.
And as usual, none of my girl friends got asked, placing me in an awkward position I never wanted to be in. You see, we're all enrolled in IB courses meaning we all care deeply about our studies, take the most difficult classes, and don't care about guys, especially not the scum that roams my high school. (God I miss Europe, here's another link to my France blog)
Andromeda was not expecting that he'd be the only guy in a group of like 10 girls. He had no idea what he signed up for. Personally, I found it hysterical, and so did his guy friends (going with other girls, the kind that get asked every year and actually know what to do). My girl friends squealed, "Wow, you're taking out 10 girls as dates!" and Andromeda would just snap, "I asked ONE girl to homecoming, not all her friends!"

The day of homecoming, October 19, we all got ready in (let's call her Nebula for privacy purposes)'s house, putting on make up, curling hair, and being the stereotypical vain girls we usually never are in the school environment. When Andromeda arrived, he had NO CLUE what to do. There were no other guys (except maybe Nebula's dad and little brothers), there were all these girls doing girly things he had no business involving himself in, and no amount of smarts could probably have helped any guy not feel out of place. He even called our friend Cosmos (obviously not his real name) and demanded he come and relieve him of his misery. Cosmos was more entertained than anything and just refused to come. Poor Andromeda.

Oh and I DID have a purpose in picking space-related names for everyone. You see, sometimes pairs of guys and girls deliberately match their homecoming outfits. When I got my dress, my first thought was it looked celestial, with all the shimmery stuff in the blue. (SCIENCE NERD ALERT) I knew Andromeda would like the idea, so I had him acquire a tie with planets on it. Space themed? HELL YES.

He was actually very enthusiastic about the idea. I was glad that he appreciated it.

Anyway, our homecoming group pictures are hilarious and completely unconventional. Here is one that he adapted with a very suiting caption.

Beauty and brains. The highest concentration of IB kids you can find in any homecoming group
We all headed out to dinner at a German restaurant. Because I'm an idiot who doesn't know how these things work, I asked, "Am I paying for my dinner or are you?" and he replied, "I feel like it would be socially unacceptable to make you pay for your dinner." Oops but
I tried to be a good date. I really did. I asked, "So Andromeda what did you do today?" and he answered, "Multi-variable calculus." I know nothing about calculus, and the phrase "multi-variable" makes me cringe, so I didn't have anything to say back to that.
He and I were sitting at the end of the table. When the waiter came to take our order, he looked at Andromeda and asked, "How did you get so lucky?"
Well after our delicious dinner we didn't go to the actual dance, but instead we went back to Nebula's house and played Cards Against Humanity and watched The Proposal. Although a tad uptight at times, Andromeda was a good sport all throughout and at least made light of the situation. Seriously. If you were a guy, would you like to take part in a girls' night out? No, because you'd probably be scared. Lesson is, I commend him for his bravery, even though he never intended to be placed in such a dangerous situation in the first place.
He should add surviving that to his long list of accomplishments!
