GC 17: Something you take for granted

Forgive me for not posting on time. I totally knew I wasn’t going to, I just had a completely busy day yesterday and ended up not sleeping till 2:30 am because of quad formal. It was fun dancing the night away with my friends.

Anyway, can I just praise my productivity? Despite sleeping at 2:30 I woke up when the sun did at around 5:40 am, went back to sleep, and still woke up at 7:30, so I lay in bed doing nothing before deciding to get up and get some work done. I left my phone in my room, went to a nearby café with no wifi so I wouldn’t get distracted AT ALL, and in less than an hour and a half wrote around 900 words for an anthropology assignment about Foucault. This has got to be some kind of record. If only I could always be this productive.

Another reason I didn’t write anything was because I didn’t know what to write. Would it be pretentious to say that I am to some extent grateful for everything I have in my life and don’t take anything for granted? What could I take for granted, anyway? I’ve seen a lot of the world and from being exposed to many different kinds of lives, I know how privileged I am. Being aware of this privilege means I don’t really take anything for granted. Should it be an abstract idea? Should it be an actual object? Should it be a person? Uhhh really I don’t know. Maybe somebody who knows me really well could put something here for me but I’m actually stumped.

So yeah, I’ll end this entry on that pretty pretentious note.
