10 things that make you really happy

It's Day 1 of the 30 day writing challenge!

I was scrolling through Pinterest (the source of a lot of my creative inspiration these days) when I found a cool 30 day writing challenge that looked like it would be fun to do. So I decided to put it off till October, when I could go day by day numerically. (I'll probably add a Day 31 prompt at the end, which is to be determined still.) I think today was a good day to start it, considering I had a math midterm this evening and I don't feel like doing work. Also, the prompt is a good thing to be thinking about right about now, since math is not one of the things on this list.

I'll try to keep it simple yet unconventional, so here are ten things (among the very, very many) that make me "really happy."

• When my ukulele strings are perfectly tuned, and my voice is in top condition, and when both are occurring at the same time and I can make lovely music

• Sitting next to a huge, furry dog and just petting it

• The anticipation right before being reunited with somebody I haven't seen in a long time, which goes along with the imagination of how it's going to go

• Not failing an exam (lol)

• Having a conversation in any language that isn't English, or even better, a conversation that switches freely between languages

• Playing Rhapsody In Blue on the piano

• Waking up snug underneath blankets, aware of an early morning chill coming in from a slightly open window but being completely comfortable knowing I don't have to get up for a while

• Standing alongside the sea at Boston harbor, looking out across the water at the airport on one side and one the city skyline on the other

• Receiving something in the mail from somebody I wouldn't expect

• Petrichor
