Why am I so dysfunctional

It's been a rather frazzling first week back at Harvard, but as it always is, all my current problems will soon melt away into the recesses of this blog. Perhaps one day I'll read this entry later in this semester or school year and be glad that I'm no longer stuck in this rut (and stuck in a different one, hahaha).

A brief summation of my quandaries-

• I live in the quad, which is around half a mile away from the main campus. I don't mind it so much, as the quad is beautiful and I really love living here, except I can't wait to get a bike so I don't have to walk all the time and/or depend on the shuttle.

• The thing is, I can't even get a bike yet because I lost my wallet in Bolivia and the replacement credit cards haven't arrived yet. And then the actual getting my bike is gonna take some planning, because to get the bike that I want (I have always wanted a yellow cruiser bike), I'm gonna have to go a bit out of town. I'm well acquainted with using the T and everything, but it's still gonna take up a few hours. I thought the cards would arrive already by now, but having to wait a few extra days is rather frustrating, as it means I'll have to wait longer before I get my bike.

• I've spent the past few days reviewing math material I haven't worked with in at least two years. Considering math isn't my favorite subject, it's taking a considerable amount of effort to recall it and actually remember how to use it. And today there's a precalculus gateway exam, which I really hope I don't fail so I don't have to retake a class to relearn how to do everything. I'd rather not do that, since I did take calculus online over a few weeks in the summer just so I would have a background in the material covered in the class.

• My weekly schedule hasn't been settled yet. I do know what classes I'm taking, but I don't know when in the week my small group sections are.

• I'm pretty sure the 200 photos I ordered from Shutterfly have already arrived, but I wasn't near the quad in the window of time I had to pick them up, and now I have to wait until Tuesday before I can get them from the package depot. The wall in front of my desk is terribly empty, and I can't call my room complete until all the photos are up.

I think I'm rather in a rush to fall into a routine. The thing about the new school year is that for a new routine to even exist, all this crazy figuring stuff out and getting resettled has to happen. For someone who loves travel and the unpredictable so much, I'm awfully impatient for things to just have a rhythm for a few months, so I know when I can take a break from the rhythm and do something spontaneous.
On the other hand, it's been amazing to see so many of my friends again; it's made me really happy. It'll be different not having them all really close by in Harvard Yard all the time, but I know it'll be a great semester with them by my side nonetheless.

Here we go, sophomore year!
