September 2019 highlights in 9 pictures

Once again, I have neglected this blog for more than an entire month. To be fair, I was pretty busy. Life has been moving very quickly, and I can barely keep up! Because I have committed to posting something at least once a month, and because I know I can backtrack dates and make a post look like it was published in September when it's already October (sshh), I am posting this now.

Also I just looked at my blog, and for some reason the entry about August was posted in September. I probably forgot to backtrack the date. Thus, I will just count that as an August/September entry.

As the title implies, I will now proceed with the pictures that show the highlights of my September.

Picture number one:

Sometimes, I'm filled with existential dread. I can't help but wonder what the point of this all is and why I get to have a relatively nice life while so many people suffer. One day while scrolling through social media, I saw this photo and it got a good laugh out of me. For those who do not speak Spanish, it says: In my funeral, it will be allowed for someone to take the flower crown and throw it behind them to see who will be next. Ah, gotta love dark humor! I definitely chuckle every time I see this photo on my phone.

In less depressing news, here are pictures two and three:

Long story short, I have moved (again)! Except this time, James has joined me and we officially broke the more than two years of distance between us on September 4th! On September 28th, we moved into our own apartment in Decatur, Georgia, and it has been marvelous. While he job searches, he has also been taking care of a lot of house things like cooking and general errands, and it has been a huge help. (Right now, as I write this, he is making our dinner.) The apartment we moved into has a pool. This obviously has me very excited. For some reason, even with outside temperatures above 90º F, it was too cold for James when we first went. These pictures illustrate our distinct reactions to the pool pretty well.

Now for picture four:

I got a bike! I missed my yellow cruiser bike a lot, and having a bike in general, so I knew I had to get one at some point here. Rather than get one brand new, I wanted to find a secondhand bike. I took to Craigslist and conveniently found one being sold by somebody who lived around a fifteen minute walk up the street from where I work. James and I went, I got the bike, and then he helped carry it up and down the stairs at the MARTA station (the local rapid transit rail service). It had clearly not been used for a long time; it was dusty and its tires were horribly flat. But we got a bike pump, and now it's back in shape and ready to use! Can't wait to go on some bike rides with James soon. 

Here we have picture five: 

I'm part of a Facebook group called Philippine Pug Lovers Club, and it's a continual source of joy for me. Since it's important to have balance, I use social media for more than just stumbling upon humorous outlets for my existential dread–I also use it for my fix of pugs and the Philippines and pugs in the Philippines. This was one such pug. I saw it, and it immediately made me think of picture number six: 

The resemblance is truly uncanny. This is a painting called Wanderer above the Sea of Fog (Der Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer in the original German) by Caspar David Friedrich, and I think about it from time to time. It emanates the kind of energy I want to channel in my life pursuits. 

Picture number seven shows a cafe James and I discovered recently called Sip the Experience, a bit of a trek from where we live. It had a lovely atmosphere, and I want to be back at some point. It's near a garden store and plant nursery, so maybe we'll make a trip out of it while looking for houseplants?

Picture eight is a screenshot from a post announcing my being featured on a podcast. My Swedish-Mexican friend Aurora hosts a podcast from her university called The Internationality, where she interviews different people who have had various international experiences. I was very honored to have been one of the people she featured! My episode focuses on the multilingual song challenge I took on in 2018 as well as the various outlets I use to listen to music in different languages and from other countries.

Finally, picture number nine for the ninth month of the year:

I can't give an update on this blog without updating about my job! What was originally supposed to be a position that lasted until May 1st this year due to my inability to stay in New York became something that has extended into next year. Long story. Won't go into it. But it's basically why I'm here in the Greater Atlanta area! My boss is based here, and now we have our own work stations at a lovely coworking space called Decatur Coworks. For one week, we hosted the other half of our legal action team and had great discussions about our program. This is the picture we took at the end of our Legal Action Bootcamp, as my supervisor called it. I am now very busy at work. Work is still depressing given the gravity of the situation of separated families and children in detention camps, but my supervisor and I have a similar sense of dark humor we use to deal with it. In the end, I do love my job and am happy to be here continuing to contribute to such a pressing cause!

(Also I promise I have other shirts besides that one. I just really like it, so the two pictures I featured myself in here happen to feature it too.)

Finally. As a bonus, here is a particularly notable video I watched this month. Enjoy!
