The light at the end of the tunnel

WHOOOOA where did February go. It's already February 28 and I haven't posted anything. (Unless you count the entry that I decided to "fake post" as a January entry. Which I don't, because it's a January entry.)

Well, my thesis is officially due in a week and a day (MARCH 8), but I'm printing it out this time next week. That's been taking up a lot of my time and my thinking. I turned in a full draft to my advisor on February 16th and took a break from working on it until I heard back from him this past Monday, the 26th. Now that I'm deep in the throes of thesising (and taking a break to write this entry, obviously), I somehow lost track of earphones I bought only last winter break when I am usually very paranoid about my things, and I am considering asking for an extension on an assignment for the first time in my academic career. Actually, I will ask for an extension. I will lay my pride aside because I want to commit actual work to my response paper due on March 9th. I intend to write about something I'm passionate about, which I absolutely cannot do while my thesis sits unfinished. That being said, this one final push is taking a lot out of me, but I know that I'll end up with a piece of work I can be proud of.

Also, not to be morbid or anything, but the thesis writing process has been likened to birthing a child a lot. Like, between the day I started my fieldwork and the day I turn in my final product, there is a period of 9 months. I chatted with a friend I hadn't seen in a while last night, and when referring to her roommates also writing theses, she would say something along the lines of, "Well, this roommate is due on this date, and this other roommate is due on this other date..." In my case, I would be "due" on March 8th. If in the far-off future I actually have a child with that birthday, he or she will never hear the end of how "my thesis came first so it's not only your birthday."

BUT. I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am now making my final revisions, addressing each comment from my advisor's feedback. I have my final advising meeting on Friday. I have dedicated the next few days to doing no other homework or readings. I will finish it well, and through my writing I will have told stories I felt really needed to be told.

Other than that, it's been a wonderful semester, on which I shall elaborate another time, after I am bathed in all the light of a new dawn following the handing in of my thesis to the anthro department. Because unlike a child, I don't have to be committed to the thesis for the rest of my life!

Yeah. One more thing. Here's a picture to set the mood I took on a flight I had recently.
