Fake January blog post

Wow, I can't believe I haven't posted anything yet for January, let alone 2018. It is senior spring after all, and I feel like I have far more pressing matters to address than this blog.

Well, pressing matters like lying down on my bed and watching TV, which I have been doing a strange amount this past semester so far. I don't regret it. I'm kind of sorry, but as I have mentioned before, this blog allows me to manipulate the date of publishing to make up for months I've "missed," so I'm going to do that.

Today is actually February 7, but I chose the date January 20 because it's the date I first started watching this series on Hulu called The Glades (thanks for the info, journal!), which aired from 2010 until 2013. It's about this homicide detective from Chicago who has to relocate to Florida and ends up having to solve murder cases there. For some reason, I had been wanting to watch some kind of murder mystery movie over winter break but never actually got around to it, and then I discovered this series through some Hulu promo. The promo said that all seasons were available on Hulu, which was great! So I began watching it, figuring I might as well try something new (since the next Game of Thrones isn't coming out till 2019...)

I've been hooked ever since. The pace is great in that there's one case per episode, and there's also a continuous story as the relationships between the main characters develop. Since I have been committed to Game of Thrones and Jane the Virgin for basically the majority of my college career, only watching episodes as they come out, it's nice to have something new to watch every night to unwind after a long day of work. (Also because I have the chillest schedule ever this semester and actually have time to bum around getting into TV series.)

As for some of my favorite episodes, there's one that involved a PhD candidate in social anthropology (I had some qualms about the realistic-ness of her dissertation research but overall I was stoked that they included an anthropologist in one plot)...(Season 1 Episode 5), one that had a cool sunken treasure ship explorer background story (Season 1 Episode 11), and one that involved this insane twist where the killer ended up being this unassuming pool cleaner guy that had a brief cameo in the beginning (SPOILER sorry) (Season 2 Episode 2). Granted, there are others that have unexpected twists, but that one kind of stood out to me. 

I look forward to continuing to watch this series throughout this semester instead of writing thoughtful things on my blog, or even working on my thesis. Though t be fair, I watch these at night when I'm at my least productive (especially when I'm in my room), and when I want to relax. Yes, there is nothing like a good murder mystery whodunnit to help me relax. 

Maybe I also watch it because I loftily speculate about how great of a detective I would be, given my penchant for thorough investigation, capacity to remember odd details, and acute fascination for people's personal lives. Maybe. 

P.S. I realize that I got into watching Black Mirror over break, but it's ended up being something I watch when I'm either with my family or my boyfriend and not really something I feel like I appreciate as much by myself. There's my little disclaimer for that, for those who know me. 
