Final post for 2017, looking ahead for 2018

Terribly cliché name for a blog entry, I know, but this year has gone by so fast I haven't had much time to properly think through a lot of things. This year has been the most eventful and the best year in recent memory for me, yet it also has the fewest blog entries. I don't want to attribute that to "being too busy living life to write about it" (because writing is just as important as living to me, no exaggeration), but mostly just unreliable wifi. And a thesis to write.

Looking back on things I wanted to do for 2017, I realize that I failed at the whole "New blog series" thing. It's a shame I never really got around to the "Commentary on my past self" series because that could have been really entertaining. But that is also going to be attributed to unreliable wifi and a thesis to write.

Anyway, 2017 was a fantastic year. I finally visited my 6th continent, bumped up my list of countries visited to 27, reunited with some great friends, made more new ones, and even finally met a guy who seems to be in love with me, thus officially eliminating my need to make self-deprecating Valentine's Day music videos that all consist of me making fun of myself for having been Single Since Birth™. I'm not going to be unrealistic and say that 2018 will be even better, but I think that 2017 will be an impetus for the wonderful things that 2018 is going to bring.

As for resolutions, I wrote for this occasion two years ago that "I believe in building off of what was worked on this past year, making improvements, and implementing additions to some life changes I may have adopted. That's simpler than regarding the new year as a fresh slate. While that could be exciting, it's also just a setup for more difficulties than one should be handling. It's all really just a continuation, an opportunity to look ahead with a renewed sense of purpose" (Flores 2015). I wholeheartedly agree. For instance, I very much look forward to traveling with my special someone and continuing to see friends and maintain friendships, and I am also looking forward to doing more fulfilling work that will be informed by my experiences from 2017. I also  greatly anticipate the chance to return to the Philippines after graduation (excuse me, I didn't just type that word) and spend time with family there.

Lastly, while I do wish a happy new year blah blah blah upon everyone, that's all and well, but I'm mostly just terrified that when I say "Class of 2018" is my class at Harvard it'll finally mean the current time period. Oh dear. 

Farewell, 2017. Thanks for putting me through a lot and being a very illuminating year. It wasn't easy, but that doesn't mean it wasn't amazing, because it really was.
