Un vuelo más

Oh hey, I'm in Bolivia again.

And I'm really dazed. I think I'm too tired and disoriented to properly process the fact that I'M IN BOLIVIA AGAIN so I have to type it here in the all caps of excellence.

This trip, despite having several legs, has gone by faster than my mind could realize. And now here I am once again in the airport in Santa Cruz–after ordering an iced vanilla latte at Juan Valdez Café, after being spoken to only in Spanish by the flight attendant who saw my name, after seeing the sunrise over the Andes, after a total of around 15 hours spent in various airplanes–not even knowing how I managed to go through all the typical airport routines and somehow make it here.

Wifi is actually loading pretty nicely so I decided, why not write a blog entry to help pass the time? It's not like I can lie down anywhere and go to sleep, anyway.

I anticipate the wifi situation being at least slightly better here than it was in Rwanda, so I'm going to try and post an entry at least once every two weeks, ideally once every week. I'm going to be setting my own schedule pretty much the entire summer, so this should give me lots of opportunities to reflect upon what is happening and make a decent record of it. I also potentially anticipate my English to sound weird at times, because I'm going to be speaking so much Spanish. Literally so much. I don't even know who I'm going to be speaking English with in Cochabamba, besides Ignacio, the first Bolivian I ever met who was on exchange with me.

Yeah, besides that, I don't really know what to say. I'm still dazed. I still have around forty-five minutes before I board my last flight, after which I'm going to be tired of planes for a while.

Lately I've been asking myself what's going on in my life. I really don't know. I hope I can kind of figure it out once I settle down in Cochabamba for the summer, but let's be real, it'll probably leave me feeling more confused yet excited at everything that has been going on, and everything that is to come.

Now that I'm so close to finishing this return journey, time seems to be taking its sweet time. As much as I'd like it to go faster so I can get on with the airport welcome and settling down and taking a nap, I know I'm only going to want to to slow down once the summer really gets going.

But until then, it's good to finally FINALLY be back, Bolivia. Gracias por esperarme como siempre.
