New year, new look, new blog series

And by "new look" I mean a drastically new look on this blog. I haven't decided to get a pixie cut or a tattoo or anything.

This change was brought about somewhat impulsively. I was considering starting a new blog entirely for study abroad and calling it "Amanda in Rwanda" because it's so catchy, but decided I wanted to keep up with this blog. After all, I've posted in it at least every month since I first started it in August 2013, and I liken it to how I've stopped getting travel journals separate from my "normal" ones; I stopped getting travel journals because money life is just a story of constantly moving from place to place, and being in a different place–no matter how far away or for how short–is all a part of this larger narrative. My travels aren't extraordinary events worthy of their own notebook. They're a part of my life and of my everyday reality.

That's something I've come to realize throughout my time as a college student. All the exposure to different people and career paths has led me to realize that I can indeed have a career working with people from all over the world, which includes traveling to interact with different cultures while tackling some issues humanity faces at present. My desire to travel and meet people didn't have to be a side interest or mutually exclusive with helping people; at this point I would argue that the world needs more people who care about the lives of those who are different from them and who grew up in "faraway" places. If I could go back to a certain point in time and tell my younger self something I know now, I would go back to the me who visited the UN headquarters in Geneva in junior year of high school, the me who speculated about working there one day and who bought a poster of the universal declaration of human rights in French because it seemed cool, to drop all pre-med aspirations at that very moment and keep running with whatever it was I felt while taking that tour. It would have saved me so much trouble, and I definitely would have done two semesters abroad in college instead of just one, and probably actually taken more languages. But we can't turn back time, and as appealing as that sounds, I'm glad things ended up where they are in the way that they did.

Much about me and around me has changed since I started this blog, and that's part of the reason I decided to change it too, to reflect the person I have become more accurately. I find that the tone of this blog has changed quite significantly ever since the first few entries, but I suppose that's part of growing up and figuring out who I am and what I want out of life.

But that doesn't mean I don't find amusement in thinking of the person I used to be. Conveniently, Facebook has had this feature called "On This Day" where it shows you things you posted or were tagged in on a particular day throughout your history on the site. Lots of things are cringeworthy, obviously, but overall I find it entertaining. From time to time I screenshot things, and because I want to do more than lose track of these screenshots in my folder on my laptop entitled "Shit," I decided to put them in the folder entitled "YLT" and start an actual subfolder for these things, called "Commentary on past self series." May this entry mark the official start of a new look on my blog, a "new" me, and a new reoccurring series that I actually came up with myself (contrary to the 31-day challenge in October 2015 and the gratitude challenge in 2016).

To end, here is a relic of this day January 27 in 2010. Though so much has changed and will continue to change, this certainly hasn't and probably won't.
