GC 47: Opportunities you've been given

When I saw this prompt and that it would fall during Thanksgiving week, I considered writing it on Thanksgiving and publishing it then but what do you know, I got too lazy.

In terms of opportunities I've been given, I consider myself one of the most fortunate people I know. Even though I was an immigrant to the United States (I'm a citizen now) and am nowhere near as wealthy as many of the people around me, I've still somehow played the cards I've been dealt right and managed to go on some pretty wild escapades and adventures. I don't really know what it is. I'm not sure if it's something I've done, the way I am, or the circumstances that I just happen to wander into. But when I think of the things that I've gotten myself into throughout my life and take into consideration how most people live, I've really been granted some extraordinary opportunities.

To start from the obvious, the opportunity to immigrate to the USA and become a citizen is an enormous one in and of itself, and it's something that so many people wish they had the opportunity to do, but don't. And then being able to participate in a yearlong exchange program to a country like France, which so many people only dream of visiting one day. And then being accepted into Harvard, one of the 5.9% of those who applied my year, when I can see from comments on the university's Facebook page written by random people from around the world talking about how it's their dream to even set foot in this place. This isn't even bringing up the myriad opportunities I've been given as a result of these huge ones.

Relatively speaking, I've been stupefyingly blessed. And besides being grateful for these opportunities, I find that the sensible thing to do is use them to help give those with fewer opportunities more chances at making the most out of their own lives, in whatever small way I can.            
