GC 43: A mentor/teacher

Dear mom,

I know you're already aware of how thankful I am to you, but I figure you wouldn't tire of hearing me say it. Besides, I like to think that one's mother is their first teacher, which makes you a very valid person to be honoring in this entry. So yeah. Here you go.

Thank you for entertaining all the thoughts I want to share, from the academic to the nonsensical. Thank you for allowing me to be as independent and ambitious as I am, and for supporting my rather outlandish projects. Thank you for helping me get through the fact that I'm not a kid anymore, as much as I still feel like one, however hard it may be for you to accept. Thank you for showing me how a woman can be the boss of a household (as much as I felt disdainful toward it when I was much younger, I certainly see its value now). I hope one day if I ever become brave enough to have children (who will probably be half Filipino half insert-random-nationality-here), I can live up to the example that you have set for me.

Finally, thank you for not going into a convent after all and bringing me into this world to experience the wonders, hardships, mysteries, and glories of life. In so many ways, I wouldn't be able to do it without you.

Your daughter
