GC 37: Something you created

Hm, I could be cheesy and write "the life I've created for myself" on this but I feel like I already talk about that a lot so I'll set that aside.

How should I define something I created? Like, physically with my own two hands? Does it have to be from scratch? Could it be something intellectual like something I wrote? Actually, let's answer the question and make this article kinda meta. The thing I've created that I'd like to pay special thanks to is this blog.

So a blog entry about the blog itself... anyway, this blog has seen me through so much. I've been writing in it at least every month since I got back from France all that time ago, and even though I also keep a daily journal and converse with friends about whatever plagues my thoughts, writing in this blog has always remained therapeutic in its own special way. Even if only my mom and my grandma read it. Similar to how I stopped keeping a "separate" travel journal after realizing that life is just constantly moving from one home to another anyway, I've not had another blog besides this one even when I went on some fantastic voyages that certainly merited their own web address. The continuity is nice, and it kind of cements travel and going to different places as part of my same reality, rather than something special or exciting. It is the reality that I like to write about and try to make sense of on this blog, as unbelievable as things seem sometimes.

Really, I can't thank this blog enough for everything it has brought me. I remember starting it all those summers ago wondering what I would get up to that would be documented on it, and it's safe to say that I've lived through things the me at the genesis of this blog could never have fathomed. I'm proud to have created it for many reasons and hope to have it alongside my journal as a place for me to spew my thoughts for an indefinite amount of time.

Of all the things I've had to be thankful for in this challenge so far, this is probably going to be at the top. But won't declare it that yet, as there's still the rest of the year to go, so let's see where this challenge takes me!
