GC 34: Things you like about fall

Wow, this seems a bit soon. But no matter, I'll fulfill it anyway. As cheesy and nerdy as it sounds, one of my favorite things about fall is school starting again.

I've been thinking a lot about how much I do love my life at Harvard. As much as I enjoy traveling, I'm excited to return and begin a new semester surrounded by the friends that know me well, that don't only see me in passing or in the context of showing me around their cities (though that's always a lot of fun), that hear all my petty issues those far away don't necessarily get to know about because there's no point in telling them. Tomorrow, I'll finally be returning after a crazy, fulfilling, unforgettable summer gallivanting around ten different countries in Europe. (More on that later.)

Besides that, there's other cliché things about fall that I like. The weather getting cooler, riding my bike down streets lined with trees whose leaves have changed color, the approaching of Christmas season. But I don't feel like saying anything about those just yet as now is not the time.

Tomorrow, I'll be back in Boston. Let's start fall semester!
