GC 32: A city you've visited

Speaking of the letter “H,” this entry will also honor a word that starts with “H.”

When I first saw this entry at the beginning of the challenge, I wondered what city of all the ones I’ve visited I would choose to write about. But now, I know without a doubt that I should thank the city of Hannover, Germany.

It wasn’t previously a must-visit city to me, but once I got the opportunity to after gaining sponsorship to attend the 3rd International Rotex Convention, I got excited to see it and explore it with newfound friends from all around the world, which was exactly what I did. I could go on and on about the convention and the friends I made there and how amazing it was to be with such motivated and inspiring people who understood me so well, but I’ll keep it brief.

Hannover–thank you for being the site of fantastic moments I got to live with friends who shared many things in common with me, friends that I could completely relate to despite only getting to spend time together for three days. Moments like listening to the mayor of the city speak in the halls of its glorious Neues Rathaus, and then going up the only elevator in the world whose shaft lies at a 70º angle to the ground (aka it doesn’t go vertically up) to get a drizzly view of the city with an Argentinean boy, a French boy, and a Taiwanese girl. Moments like watching a parade of flags representing the 20 countries people at the convention came from during the Gala Evening, and listening to a pair of ex-exchange students (one from Colombia, one from Germany) perform the song “Colgando en tus manos” with many people in the crowd singing along, knowing all the words due to either being a Latino student or having done exchange in a Latino country. (Or, if you’re me, for some other reason knowing the song.) Moments like going out on a Saturday night with a Swedish-Mexican girl and two Indian girls, walking along the lakeside Maschseefest to snack on Dutch fries, German curry wurst, French crêpes, and taking a shot of tequila in the rain to celebrate everything. And so many more.

I know that whatever city this event took place in would have become just as special as Hannover did, but I am glad nonetheless that Hannover was the stage for all these experiences.
