GC 27: Favorite spot in your city

WHOOOAA this entry officially marks the second half of this year-long challenge!

Anyway, when I saw this prompt when I first looked at the challenge, I was wondering where I would be and if I should describe my favorite spot in this particular city, or if I should describe my favorite spot in Vienna, which is where I'm supposedly spending most of my summer, or if I should just talk about Cambridge and Boston because that technically is what I would consider "my city."

As it turns out, I'm in Berlin right now.

I haven't been here long enough to have a "favorite" spot (it's been about a week since I arrived, and I'm leaving tomorrow), though at this point I've accumulated a short list of cafés that I enjoy going to to use wifi and work (and, of course, have a nice iced coffee). I think I'm going to have a deviate away from what today's challenge is asking for, though, because I do want to write about Berlin. Perhaps I should write about how I wish I were here long enough to eventually have a favorite spot and speculate about what this favorite spot would be, so that when I end up here again (it's become one of those cities where I tell myself I'm going to come back at some point, yeah) I might serendipitously find it. Or maybe I'll end up describing a place that doesn't exist. Or maybe the place should have as many of these characteristics as possible. I should stop speaking in abstract terms.

My most likely favorite spot in Berlin...

Is a place where I can feel relaxed but also able to work. It has huge windows where I can look out onto the street and maybe even onto the Spree River. It's some place I will associate with certain people who've become an irreplaceable part of my life. Ideally a place where I'll spend lots of time sitting down drinking an iced coffee. Ooh, also somewhere high above the city. (Well, as high as you can get in this European city anyway, since there aren't really skyscrapers here). It's going to be some kind of go-to place for me whenever I can't figure out where I want to go to get something done. It's probably not going to be an apartment but whether it's my own or someone else's, who knows?

Okay I'm done speculating. The place I'm in is about to close now so I should publish this. Maybe I'll write more about Berlin soon, maybe not, but for now, I'll leave this entry saying that I'll be leaving a bit reluctantly tomorrow. But oh well, I'll be back soon enough!
