GC 26: Someone you got to meet

Throughout my twenty years of living and five continents traveled, I've met so so many people. Who could I possibly choose to honor here??

No really, who?

I'm wondering if it should be somebody very important in my current life or somebody I only got to meet for a brief instant that I'm not sure I will see again. I do figure it should be someone I haven't had the chance to properly write about here yet. So sure, I'll write about my friend Jessica, since I did say in this entry that I would bring up more about her in another entry. Which I still haven't done, actually, so I'll do it now.

Officially, she and I first met over breakfast during freshman year in Annenberg. It was after Zumba or something like that–she'd probably remember better than me because she actually wrote it down. That's right; she keeps a daily journal just like I do :O Though that was something I didn't find out until later in our friendship over sophomore spring.

So I suppose we knew of each other already, though we didn't end up getting closer until this past semester. At first we were friends solely due to the fact that we both went to Zumba regularly at 7:15 am (to the point we would each notify the other if we wouldn't show up), but then the more we spoke to each other, the more we actually found out we had much more than that in common.

Jessica and I both share an appreciation for Latin American music (Zumba) and the Spanish language. She also loves traveling and, as I write this in a café in Prague, is in Ecuador doing an English teaching program after just having done a three-week choir trip around Indonesia. Her attitude is very "If I can, then why not?", and she's probably the most driven girl I know to the point where I can do nothing but regard her in admiration. We're both concerned with the state of people around the world and have it in our career goals to work with the shitty situations (for lack of a better phrase) so many of our kind have to deal with. We both want to have a swanky big city apartment that we'll easily be able to leave and return home to due to the nature of our jobs that'll require us to travel regularly.

She's not only the friend who'll go with me to see the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights speak, but the friend who will support me no matter what crazy travel plans I concoct, the friend who will listen to me bitch about people and their drama and help keep me sane, the friend who will play the card game "Marrying Mr. Darcy" with me because that's about as much romance we're going to both get in our current lives. (We don't care though, because we're too busy traveling.) Her nickname on my Facebook chat is "Future UN colleague 💃," including the dancer emoji to represent our Zumba days, so at least I'll have some remnant of them when she's away from Harvard all of next year!

Okay, some gratitude. She already knows this because I wrote her a set of letters to open throughout her travels (always wanted to do that for someone), but it deserves to be written here since it is a gratitude challenge after all. I'm really grateful to have met her because it's helped me figure out some of what I want in my life too, and also our encounter has granted my life with a new friend I know I'll have around for years to come. I'm also grateful to have another friend who enjoys making crazy plans and making them happen, and I'm already excited for our reunion in Buenos Aires next year. ;)

So yeah. Of all the people in my twenty years and five continents traveled, I'm definitely very grateful that our paths have crossed. Here's a picture that represents Jessica and me pretty well.
