Obligatory summer plans post

Caught once again in that familiar limbo.

I'm also feeling kind of dizzy. Maybe it's because I'm just that excited and my mind is having a hard time processing it. Maybe it's because I didn't get that much sleep last night. Maybe it's because I need to take iron pills again (mom please take note). Though it's probably a combination of everything.

After classes finished, I stuck around Harvard for around a month. I went to New York again to hang out with Andy, and then for three weeks worked dorm crew full time. Before I explain any further, do watch this video to have a better sense of my misadventures during this time.

• the guy named Kevin at 2:10 was my next door neighbor this past year! He worked at Cabot CafĂ© and was so nice to offer me an experimental drink for free (I asked if the chili latte could be iced) as long as I bought a pastry.
• I, too, have encountered used condoms and a mouse in a mouse trap rotting with maggots.

I could go on about dorm crew but I don't have enough time. Let's just say that people are nasty and at this point most people probably would not make ideal roommates for me. Also, people have way too much stuff. WAY TOO MUCH. I can definitely see why people are concerned for the environment because human beings are wasteful creatures that always take on way more than they can handle. Dorm crew has marked me for life. Now whenever I'm going to move in to a new place, I'm going to be inspecting it and all its nooks and crannies prone to gathering unearthly amounts of dust, paranoiacally checking obscure corners to make sure nothing has fallen behind them.

All that aside, for the first time ever I've added a location to a blog post!

So yes. Once again, here I am, about to leave for glorious summer adventures. My head is spinning just thinking about them. This time, I await a flight to Istanbul, where I will board another flight that will take me to my final destination, Vienna. There, I'll be participating in this Harvard Summer School program that I got generous funding for to FINALLY perfect my German and get to spend more time in that glorious city. The thing is, I have been to Vienna, but only once and only for a few hours. In this blog entry about my Eurotour, I wrote that "we barely got an afternoon there and basically no free time...it was disappointing, but a great excuse to return one day!"


Vienna is a city I had been hearing about for as long as I could remember because my dad studied violin at the music academy there when he was a young bachelor. I suppose I consider it special to me because it's a city special to my family history in general, so it's difficult to put in words how much this opportunity means to me.

What's more, after the program ends, I'll still have a month of vacation left before school. So of course I'm using it to gallivant around Europe, finally, finally returning home to France. I can't put in words how much that's going to mean to me, either.

In the meantime, my flight boards in around thirty minutes. Who knows what'll happen this summer? I have a myriad of plans and an impressive list of people I'm going to meet up with, but of course, I'm just as excited for the unknown. Who will I meet? Where will I end up? People and places beyond my wildest expectations most certainly await me, as they always do before I set off on yet another voyage. And as I always do, I will be writing all about them.

Before I leave, let me just note here how today I found out that Facebook includes this cool little map whenever you post that you're traveling somewhere! (Ok. Bye for now. See you on the other side of the pond.)
