I kinda heard French I guess?

Contrary to last year's spring break, when I was whisked off to the birthplace of western civilization on an all-expenses paid educational trip, I decided to go against the concept of spring break and make a trip up north to Canada.

While I am still currently in the process of living this trip, I will write about my day in Montréal.

After leaving Boston around midnight, "sleeping" on and off, groggily going through customs at 5 am and barely understanding the French spoken to me by the customs agent, I arrived in Montréal earlier than noted on my ticket at around 6:30.

I had agreed to meet my Sari, my BFF (whom I had last seen in the Philippines in summer 2014 and whom I first met in Paris), somewhere around the area of the Gare Centrale/metro stop Bonaventure upon arrival but didn't really know where I was going, nor did I have a precise place to go. Upon arriving in the metro Bonaventure, I had the vague intention of following the signs to get to the Gare Centrale, so that's what I did. When faced with the choice of going right or left up some stairs to get to the street, I took a few steps right, then almost randomly decided to turn around and go left instead.

I walked up the stairs and opened the door onto a chilly Montreal morning, standing on the sidewalk outside for a few moments before turning and noticing someone standing next to me.

I thought at first that it was somebody else who left the station with me, but figured out that it was actually Sari when her face became overcome by shock from recognizing my materialization out of nowhere, and she let out a scream.

It was indeed a joyful reunion, and it definitely gave us energy for the full day ahead!

At the Gare Centrale before 7 am
From there, we walked to downtown. Most shops were still closed, but we found a nice café that was open, Second Cup. There, we established ourselves for around two hours, getting caffeinated and eating a little breakfast. 

After that, we walked to the apartment of Courtenay, a girl I met once in France that same weekend I met Ignacio from Bolivia (they were living in the same Rotary district). 
It was once again absolutely amazing to be reunited with someone I met in France, and to talk and laugh about a time in our lives that now in the present only feels like a dream. There's something about exchange students that just makes them guaranteed lifelong friends, no matter where in the world they get to know each other or are reunited! It's something I'm happy to know I can always count on.
I dropped off my things at her apartment and left Courtenay to have a relaxing morning before our lunch date, then Sari and I walked up Mont Royal.

She and I have a thing for seeing a city from up above; in Strasbourg we looked over the city after climbing 330 steps up a cathedral with our beloved Filles Formidables, in Venice we went up the tower in St Mark's Plaza after being lost in the rain and gained a new perspective on the city and its winding canals, in Manila we shared some drinks in a club on the 71st floor of a skyscraper in Manila, and so in Montreal it only made sense to find a high point from which to look out over the city we found ourselves in.

The walk uphill through half-melted slush was worth it
After our little hike, we walked back down, met up with Courtenay, then headed to a restaurant named Frite Alors! for lunch. There, I was reunited with another friend–Geneviève from the Poland trip last summer! 

It was interesting to think that none of the girls had previously known each other; having them there at the same time felt surreal. As I enjoyed my poutine, I thought about how I was the one that ended up bringing them together in the first place. This world is full of unlikely but somehow fulfilling connections just waiting to be forged. 

We hung out and chatted for a bit longer before taking a walk around Montréal and ending up at the Pompeii exhibit at the Musée des Beaux Arts. I couldn't recall the last time I had seen a museum exhibit that crowded, but at the same time it was nice to see so many people having interest in it!

Geneviève stayed at the museum, so we bade good-bye to her there. Courtenay then walked us through McGill University, where she studies, and then we all hastened back to her apartment.

View of McGill
Time ran so fast, and I still felt like I had more of Montréal to see. Considering how easy it is to get there from Boston, I'll probably find myself back one day!

Sari and I said bye to Courtenay and made our way by walking and by metro and by more walking towards where the bus would pick us up. We made it just in time, thus finishing our successful day in Montreal.

Now it's time for the rest of spring break, which I will probably write about later. Peace!
