GC 12: Your favorite personality trait

Wow, it's already at #12, which means I've been doing this for 12 straight weeks!

So yeah, I'll admit, I almost forgot about it again. I looked through my planner to put some things in for next week and to see if I had accomplished everything I put ont the list for today, and saw that the ominous "GC" still hadn't been crossed off. So I hopped on it immediately.

Having directly to do with this realization, my favorite personality trait would probably be my commitment to my personal projects. Mon entĂȘtement. If I tell myself to do something, I go for it with my all, whatever it takes. I told myself I would do this challenge for 52 weeks. So far so good, I'm almost 1/4 of the way done! Also, I'm super impressed with my commitment to my daily journal. Who knew a 13-year-old would eventually accomplish such a thing?

There's also my commitment to my friends around the world. When I tell people I want to see them again, I actually mean it, and I actually act upon it. Then my commitment to my studies, since at this point I am thoroughly enjoying them, regret nothing, and am more happy than ever. And last but not least, my commitment to fighting for a cause, whatever that is, and keeping that in the back of my mind in whatever I choose to do in this world.

Ooooh ambiguity.

Anyway, I'm thankful for this personality trait. It makes me a really reliable person that's easy to get along with and has gotten me pretty far, I'd like to think.
