GC: A family member

I'm going to say now that I would like to extend a word of thanks to my fabulous grandmother, Lola Day (not pronounced the way an English speaker would read it), who doesn't get enough recognition on this blog despite being the only person who reads every single entry. And has printed them out and compiled them into a book.

My grandma is somebody that I look up to, someone whose life, attitude, and story I admire. She doesn't take shit from anyone and knows how to have a great time wherever in the world she is, whatever situation she finds herself in. Although I have at times rued her surveillance over my everyday life, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be the girl I am today without it. (Now that I look at it, my hair does look good when I brush it that way she would try to convince me to in the past.) My friends who've met her all comment about how cool of a grandma she seems, and I'm always proud to tell them they're right. She's great at staying young and glamorous, keeping a clever wit about her. I can only hope to be as accomplished and confident in myself when I'm her age.

So Lola Day, because I know you're reading this, thank you for being the best grandma I could ever have, and thank you for always supporting me no matter what I choose to do with my life. Your dedication to your family is something I would not be able to live without, and I can't wait to go back to the Philippines soon and spend more time with you and Cassie and everyone. Thank you for always reading my blog so I'm not just writing into a void, and I hope you enjoyed this entry!
