Write about five blessings in your life

It's hard to not make a post like this cheesy, but I will do my best. I will therefore avoid writing about people, because I feel like I've already written about them extensively in my previous posts, and there's too much to write about them anyway. So here are five somewhat unconventional blessings in my life.

• twists of fate that have led me up to this point
I'm really sleepy (as I tend to be writing these posts). This was the first thing that came to my head. It's a really enigmatic phrase. I think I'll keep it that way.

• my independence and confidence
I'm not the smartest, I'm not the prettiest, I'm not the coolest, I'm not the anything superlative, especially over here. But I'm okay with it. I'm okay with me. I'm okay with life. I think I'm pretty damn impressive, and I don't really care if I can't compare to a lot of people in accomplishments, looks, romantic history, or whatever. I know where I've been, and I'm proud of it, and I'm excited about the unknown ahead, because I know that even if I struggle, I'll be struggling with a smile thinking of the reward at the end and the lessons I'll be learning through the journey.

• Harvard University Dining Services
People hate on HUDS all the time, but seriously, when else in my life am I gonna get an all you can eat buffet at every meal without paying for it? Even if it's really good for me from time to time to dine off-campus, I personally don't think I could make myself a meal as good as what I eat in the dining hall, much less in that short of a time span that I usually have to eat.

• the fact I don't get jet lagged
Jet lag is for amateurs, which I am not.

• my ukulele
I don't know who I'd be without Praliné. I've had my ukulele since sophomore year of high school, and since then it's seen me through some major life events and unforgettable encounters. I've taken it around four different continents, and it's become so intertwined with my identity that people often remember me for it. Through playing the ukulele I've also really developed my singing voice and love of performing for and with other people.
Also my ukulele and I are just really cute together, a formidable duo indeed.
