Think of any word. Search it on Google images. Write something inspired by the 11th image.


I admit, I spent the last night of being a teenager in a sort of existential crisis.
I didn't know if I would ever be as great as I sometimes hope to be, I didn't know if I would ever accomplish what I really hope to, whatever that even is anymore. I didn't know if I would live as grand of a future as I've long been dreaming of. I thought about everything I didn't do as a teenager and wondered if not having done things would reflect negatively on me in the future, whether the cause be self-instigated or societal.
So for this prompt I chose a word with mystical powers and one that would hopefully provide me some kind of resolution to my dilemma. And so apparently, nobody can ever be as cool as a bull-riding monkey. I kinda agree. Though I don't really see how exactly inevitability has to do about realizing this fact, I can't see any Harvard kid ever accomplishing anything as impressive as what this monkey in this image is doing. That makes me feel better about myself, and I am pleased to report that any residual apprehensions about facing life in the 20s from last night have completely departed.

That being said, HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY TO ME
