Share something you struggle with

This is an interesting prompt. It'd be too easy and boring to say something like "math" for this (though of course, I could also drawl on about the love-hate relationship I've had with it since moving to the USA), so I'll avoid doing so. I'm kind of having a hard time thinking of something I currently struggle with, because I feel like I've gotten over a lot of the insecurities I once had and am pretty satisfied with the way my life is going at present. Of course, Harvard is an environment that breeds insecurity and struggles, lots of it concealed, and from time to time I am subject to the usual woes of, "Am I not doing enough?" "Could I be doing more?" "Why am I not doing better?" that every student here finds themselves lamenting.

So I don't really know if I have anything I currently struggle with that's unique and really worth expounding on. But maybe that's indicative of the fact that no matter how alone you feel in your struggles, there will always be someone out there who would be able to relate to you as long as you aren't afraid to reach out and acknowledge that you need somebody to understand you. Which can be easier said than done.

Anyway. I've been sitting here the past fifteen or so minutes trying to actually answer this prompt instead of going off on philosophical tangents. It'd be dumb to say that I'm struggling with trying to find a decent answer to this writing prompt, so I suppose I'll just say that sometimes, I do wonder what it's like to have had some kind of romance in life. I'm going to turn 20 without ever having experienced what so many girls my age seem to have already (unless something happens within the next two weeks, but lol let's be real), but I'm also going to turn 20 having experienced so much more than so many girls my age (and I wouldn't trade that for the former at all). So I suppose the struggle comes from an unsatisfied curiosity, one that has no guarantees of being fulfilled. When it comes to other things I want, like "I want to learn so and so language" or "I want to visit so and so country," these are things I can go forth on my own and accomplish using my own resourcefulness. But wanting to experience something so dependent on another person and out of my control, and therefore not being able to rely on only myself to make it happen, makes me anxious.

Hope that was good enough. I'm going to sleep.
