Post about three celebrity crushes

I will avoid posting anyone's name, but will instead post videos from YouTube with a brief description of these guys. I mean, the videos are enough to count them as celebrities, right?

Beautiful French boy who also sings very well and has a nice soothing speaking voice. Then again, I think that of any French boy who talks. I digress.

Language prodigy who speaks a shit ton of languages. PLOT TWIST: I've met him. He also goes to Harvard and is in my graduating class. PLOT TWIST TWO: He has the same birthday as me.

This Bolivian singer who studies in the USA and actually started a nonprofit to provide young Bolivian artists with scholarships to study abroad. PLOT TWIST: I've met him. We had lunch. He suggested one day we both sing together, and he'd bring a bottle of wine. (Disclaimer: Yet to happen, but will happen at some point hopefully.) PLOT TWIST TWO: He was also a Rotary exchange student, though surprisingly that was not the context under which we met, so I was especially shocked to hear that he was one.

Lol. Lucky me, getting to meet celebrity crushes. Just wait French boy, I'm coming for you.
