Post 30 facts about yourself

30 facts, let's go!

  1. I'm an elitist when it comes to mangoes. I will only eat fresh or dried mangoes when they come from Cebu, where I was born and grew up. Sorry.
  2. I speak English and French fluently enough to get a university degree from them, and Tagalog, Cebuano, German, and Spanish well enough to make meaningful personal connections with people in them. Polish I'm working on, and one day I'll learn an African language.
  3. I've been keeping a daily journal since December 14, 2008 when I decided to make it a new year's resolution for 2009.
  4. Many people have bought ukuleles because they were inspired by me and mine. I've lost count how many.
  5. I'm left-handed and very proud of it.
  6. There are two times in my life where I have cried tears of joy: the moment I found out I was selected to go to France for my Rotary exchange, and the moment I read "Congratulations!" on an email from Harvard regarding my application status.
  7. I've lost count of how may countries I have friends/know people in.
  8. I'm five feet tall.
  9. I adore pictures of people, places, and moments, and my dorm room has about 200 of them collaged on my walls.
  10. I love snail mail. I once wrote a 4,000 or so word essay about it.
  11. Speaking of which, when I was around 9 and still living in the Philippines, I had a pen pal from the Netherlands. We lost touch after I moved to the USA, but met in person around 8 years later in the Netherlands and have been very good friends since.
  12. I'm a city girl and would rather live in a nice apartment high above the ground than in a huge house in the suburbs.
  13. I don't wear makeup because I'm too lazy.
  14. People have said my laugh is contagious, and I'd like to agree.
  15. Zumba is the only form of exercise I'd do voluntarily on a regular basis.
  16. Contrary to what I was thinking the past 8 years or so, I don't know what I'm going to do when I grow up, but I'm absolutely confident it'll be something I love.
  17. Don't ever make me live too far away from the ocean; I need it to rejuvenate myself from time to time, and it's always a nice reminder of the vastness of the world out there to explore.
  18. If you have a dog, I automatically like you more.
  19. I have a blue-tongued skink named Quigley, who is named after my favorite character from my favorite book series ever, Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events.
  20. I have met Lemony Snicket three times in my life.
  21. Sometimes I'm prone to spontaneously burst into song.
  22. I only ever feel in the mood to party when I'm abroad...
  23. My favorite place on Harvard's campus is the Caspersen Student Center at Harvard Law School.
  24. Cafés are my favorite place to do work; the more urban the atmosphere, the better.
  25. I have a thing for lighthouses. It must be because I love the ocean. But I have a lighthouse decal sticker on my laptop that actually lights up because of the Apple on the Macbook Air, and I've gotten lots of compliments on it.
  26. I like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain.
  27. Massachusetts Avenue is my favorite street. Not Broadway, not Champs-Elysées, but good old Mass Ave.
  28. I'm overall a really laid-back person, but still rather a neat freak.
  29. Red used to be my favorite color, but now it's red and yellow, with a slight preference for yellow.
  30. I sleep way earlier than most people, and also wake up naturally every day between 6 and 7 am. I can't control it. Speaking of which, I'm going to go to sleep now so I can get a decent amount. 
