Bullet-point your whole day

Ahh, I like this prompt. It'll save me time on my daily journal entry tonight. Also, for some reason, "bullet-point" implies "not complete sentences" to me. So here is what this prompt is asking for–a bullet point list of my whole day.

• woke up around 6:30
• biked to Zumba, it was kinda chilly
• did Zumba with Jessica and Jessica (so glad to have workout buddies!)
• biked back to Cabot, took a shower, went to the dining hall
• chocolate muffins in the dining hall!!
• talked with Magaly about things
• organized my weekend
• figured out how dry cleaning works
• went to math
• optimization is really cool, as long as I don't have to figure this stuff out for myself, which unfortunately I have to do in homework
• printed homework
• biked back to Cabot
• had lunch
• read some creation myths for class
• went to LS1A lecture and sat with Jessica
• lecture was really cool, we learned about tRNA and ribosomes and stuff
• went to the law school student center with Jessica and Priscilla
• reviewed some lab stuff, chatted
• slaved over a math problem set
• biked back to Cabot
• had dinner with Brynn
• so nice catching up with her!
• met up with Julio, Javi, and Tim
• went to Julio's and worked on an essay
• Julio left to go somewhere, I stayed and continued working on the essay
• went to Fiona's to sing with the ukulele and get help with math
• stayed a bit and chatted with her and Max
• went back to my room
• will now post this entry, write a minimal amount in my journal, then go to sleep
