Should I make a YouTube channel?

Oh no. Now that that's typed out, it's too late to turn back; the idea has materialized!

Considering the fact that I've become a natural in front of a camera, my numerous pathetic funny videos, the plethora of cover songs I want to record, and the fact that I'm probably funny when I talk, I've had many people tell me over and over...

You should make a YouTube channel!

Maybe. I have been contemplating though. So if I did make a YouTube channel, what would I do?
The possibilities are quite varied. Here are some ideas:

• I might call it LivesInAirports. It's my default username for everything, and I love that it hasn't yet been taken anywhere I make accounts on. I've even considered changing this blog's URL to livesinairports instead of yellowlittleteapot. But hmmm.
Alternatively, I might call it TheTravelingUkulele. That would imply that my ukulele Praline would be the star of my channel, I suppose. At the same time, it'd be cool to allude to my ukulele in the same way that the title of this blog does.

• I could post humorous vlog entries, kinda like I post (supposedly) humorous blog entries here. I could also post song covers. I could also post about life as a Harvard student, because it's something that people would want to learn about. (Right? ... *crickets chirp in the distance* <– see, this is something that could be done through video that doesn't work as well through text) I could also post travel-related videos. A cool idea I came up with that I'm pretty sure hasn't been done as a series on YouTube is, wherever I travel with my ukulele (basically whenever I travel because Praline always travels with me), I post a cover of a song with a backdrop of something cool and related to the destination. The catch is, the song is in the language of whatever country I'm in. So it'd be like singing Champs-Elysées on the Champs-Elysées, or Colgando en tus manos in Venezuela. Honestly I think that's so distinctly me, this needs to happen. At some point.
Along with that I could include the other videos I mentioned above. It'd kind of be an all-around YouTube channel.

So what might I get out of this exactly?

~Best Case Scenario~
My channel becomes a hit, particularly among fellow exchange students, Harvard students, normal people, and strong independent women who don't need no man. I get a fan following, which encourages me to continue to make more videos. I have A LOT of fun with it. I get so popular that Mindy Kaling will invite me to guest star on her show. I get so popular that I actually get money for posting videos, which I will then spend traveling. After I graduate from Harvard and before going to med school, I will take a year off in order to continue perfecting the channel and writing my memoir (learning a few more languages here and there)...while hopping around from destination to destination, of course, reuniting with old friends and making many more new ones.

~Worst Case Scenario~
Everybody is so disgusted by the idea of seeing me in the form of moving pixels on a screen, that I get negative following and negative views. Metaphorically, of course, since I don't think YouTube can yet process -1 view as a viewer who thinks of a video I post as "three minutes I'd rather have back." My YouTube channel becomes a flop because I guess I just wasn't meant to reach out to a wide audience, and I retreat back into my writing on this blog that nobody really reads in order to give myself the artificial satisfaction that I'm a published writer with a following.

Long story short, I've got nothing to lose. Except time that could have been spent sleeping, of course, because I am a student with a lot of academic and extracurricular obligations.

I'll leave this blog entry up should I decide to make a YouTube channel in the future. Hm, I am going to Greece in 12 days, and I will be taking my ukulele...perhaps I can start there! That means I should get to learning a song in Greek. Aw yeah.

Ta ta for now!
