The world is quiet here

For the third time in my life, I was graced with the presence of the elusive Lemony Snicket, a man whose books had such a profound effect on my life that they still resonate with me even though I read them when I was in elementary school. I suppose you could say they opened my mind to how mysterious the world and its people are, and also how much life can suck. 
I was hooked on A Series of Unfortunate Events. You could say I still am. I named my blue-tongued skink Quigley, after a character in the book. 
I first met Lemony Snicket in person in 7th grade at a book signing. I met him again in 12th grade at another book signing. And tonight, I met him once more, at a book signing. 

He didn't remember me. 

But that's ok. I wouldn't remember unassuming me either. Honestly, I'd make for a good spy. 
Anyway, for the first time, I was finally able to send him fan mail! On one side of the paper, I wrote: 

Dear Mr. Snicket,

     I just wanted to let you know that A Series of Unfortunate Events, your books that I have had the misfortune of growing up with, have ruined my life. It has been many years since I read The End, yet I am still in a perpetual state of perplexion regarding the series' unsolved mysteries. I could have been a normal human being with normal worries, but I continue to ask myself what the contents of the sugar bowl could have been. How could you subject me, an innocent person, to such agony? What did I ever do to you? 
     You are a truly malicious individual. Now the rest of my life will be spent haunted by the undisclosed fates of the most unfortunate individuals I have ever known.

Not sincerely in the slightest,
    a Very Frustrated Damsel

On the other side of the paper, I wrote:

     In all seriousness.
     Today, February 20, 2015, is the 3rd time in my life that I've attended one of your events. The 1st time, I was in 7th grade. It was in a Barnes and Noble [Powell's? can't remember, too busy thinking about the sugar bowl] in Oregon. The 2nd time, I was in senior year, in the same [Barnes and Noble/Powell's]. Now, I'm a freshman at Harvard University. What were the chances?
     Anyway, the truth is, everything on the other side of this page is true. SOUE was a major part of my childhood (take that how you wish), and I can't imagine how I would be if I hadn't read those books. Probably much more carefree So excuse me for being a cliché fan, but if you and Brett Helquist could send me an illustration signed by both of you...I'd hang it on my wall and cherish it forever, as proof of my pathetic dedication to your books.

Then I gave him my name and mailing address and thanked him. 
My lovely friends who were just as enthusiastic about seeing him as I was were able to get this photo with him.

He looks scared because he's in my powerful presence
All in all, a lovely evening. Wonder where I'll see him next?
