
While normal people celebrate Valentine's Day with their significant others, I usually spend the day laughing at myself. And I mean laughing at myself in a sardonic way, not the self-accepting, cheerful kind of way. No, the day is usually spent luxuriating in a deep pit of derision.

I totally didn't Photoshop the ukulele into the original picture...
Usually accompanied by food and my ukulele, of course.
Speaking of which, since Valentine's Day 2013, I've posted a music video to "celebrate" (read: spite) February 14th. In 2013, it was a video of me serenading my ukulele then saying "I love you" in 19 different languages. In 2014, it was a video of my friend Abigail and me serenading food. In 2015, it was an extremely funny video of me dramatically lip syncing to this tragically way-too-relatable song.
I'm not going to post any of them here because you can only watch them on Facebook, but Abigail made me some fantastic memes from a screenshot taken from the video. Because Facebook isn't exactly an outlet where I advertise my self-deprecation and complaints, I'll do so here!

Here are the memes that I believe should go viral under the name "Sad single Harvard girl" "Amemeda Flores":

Fairly straightforward. I dare you to say no to that face.
Actually, good grades are debatable. (The sparkling is not.) #justaverageatharvard
Maybe boys are right not to like me. I'm crazy. But hey, I'm pretty too, so one outweighs the other? lol
Obviously not my loss
Basically one of the things I ask myself everyday, alongside "When are we eating" and "When's my next trip and why am I still in the USA"
And lastly, my personal favorite:

I'll admit to an extent that I am desperate to experience something new that my life hasn't yet had, but the final verdict is, it's only a want. Not a need. Just making it clear. Because it's better to not be tied to a single person when all I need at the moment is to hop around different destinations throughout the world like a small metal ball in a pinball table, only using the home base as a place to jet off far away again. So am I just too much to handle? Oh well. Not my problem. 

Because if I can, then why not? At least that source of my happiness isn't dependent on someone else. My passport (and visas, when they're needed -_-) can offer me more satisfaction than one person ever can, anyway. Ooh, there's the idea for next year's Valentine's Day video. But for now...

See you in 26 days, Greece!
