"How do you make your dorm room special for you?"

I recently received this question via email, and rather than spam a response email with pictures, I'm going to spam this blog with pictures.

So, here is my answer to this question, answered through use of pictures of my room and descriptions!

This is my desk. I like to think it's one of the most cultured desks on campus. On the top shelf is a line drawing I did of Boston. The middle shelf is basically dedicated to my mementos. It has a flag from the Bahamas, a collage of train and bus tickets, a box of mail sent to me from friends around the world, travel journals that I like to read back on, and a few other pieces of memorabilia. The bottom shelf has some books (such as piano sheet music, Charles Baudelaire's Les fleurs du mal, a travel guide for Morocco for no reason at all, among others). There's also a photo strip of my Vietnamese friend and me fooling around Urban Outfitters.

This is a poster of the United Nations' universal declaration of human rights that I got in the UN headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Oh, and it's in French.

This is right above my bed. The greenish poster on the left is a map of Parthenay, the city I lived in for my junior year of high school. Below it is a poster of the city of Katowice, Poland, a city I spent a week in. My calendar is a calendar I custom made dedicated to my travels; each month features a different city, complete with pictures I took. Right above it is the newest addition, a poster of the broadway musical I watched on my birthday, one that I had been dying to see for years.

This is the other side of my bed, and what I wake up to everyday. The little flag on the left is from the Rotary Club in France that hosted me, and the postcards above the map are from this promotional booklet of Harvard's summer school abroad programs. As for the pictures surrounding a map, each picture has a travel quote attached to it with a little airplane-shaped clip. I wrote a blog entry about what the quotes are and why I matched them to those pictures specifically.

Last but not least, I have this lovely window ledge right next to my bed that overlooks Massachusetts Avenue. I like the sounds of the city lulling me to sleep, and sunlight to wake me up (I get up at 7:30 everyday), so I always leave the window open. The framed picture of the Eiffel Tower is the last picture I took as an exchange student in France, and right next to it is the Walt Disney quote "If you can dream it, you can do it." The two always go together, just as a reminder of what I have accomplished and all that I am capable of accomplishing. I also keep the journal that I write in every night on the ledge.

So yeah. I'm obsessed with nostalgia, photos, and travel-related things. A dorm room that reminds me of all the places I have yet to see and adventures I have yet to partake is one that makes me feel most at home!
