One year anniversary!

I wish I had something like a romantic relationship to celebrate the one-year anniversary of, but whatever this is cooler anyway.

(Not really)

It has officially been one year since I started keeping this blog! Also, it has been TWO years since I left for my ten-month long exchange for France. (Let's ignore the latter, since I have this highly-recommended blog you should read if you'd like to know more about that.)

When I first started this blog, I only had an inkling of the questionable things I would end up writing about. I also could not have imagined what I would be doing on the one-year anniversary of the publishing of its first entries.
I am currently sitting in Widener Library, one of Harvard University's most iconic buildings. I'm right in the middle of orientation week, which explains why I have been neglecting this blog (I swear if I had a lover I'd never neglect him like this). I do think I should post today though, which is why I'm glad I found the time. Anyway, looking back on the year that was, I'm really glad I had this dumb blog so I could pretend to be a published human being with an actual following. I really enjoy rereading some of the old entries, laughing at my wit. I sometimes don't realize how funny I am, though most of the time I don't think I realize how pathetic I am.

Ever since I started out here in Harvard on August 18th, I've met people that make me feel like being my strange self is actually the best thing for me to do, and I couldn't be happier.

I don't know if my lovely roommates from arts camp would appreciate me putting this picture on the internet, but that's just how much I love them/it.
(This picture is the background to my phone)

Also, a similar picture from today, with boys for the sake of diversity (and because boys make up 55% of the entering freshman class (and because I just adore these two)):

This is us attempting to get shit done but ending up sidetracked from laughing too hard at our ever-increasing collection of inside jokes. The boy in black is actually an inside joke himself, too.
(This picture is now the background to my laptop)

Anyway, I don't really know what else to put on this entry. Screw it, it's bullet points time.

  • I love it here
  • I'm so glad to be here
  • I can't even imagine what kind of shenanigans are coming up next in my life
  • Will I continue to post in this blog? Hmmm...
  • Sorry mom I'm not homesick at all
Once again, happy one-year anniversary to a relationship I'm committed to that sadly doesn't involve a guy!

Amanda Flores + her blog = FOREVER 
