Summer goals

Since summer is supposedly a time where we don't go to school and can therefore choose how to occupy our time, I've set two little goals for myself involving song. Here they are..

• Learn how to sing Aladdin's "A Whole New World" in 6 different languages
I love Disney songs, and I love other languages. Therefore, I especially love listening to Disney songs I know by heart in other languages. It's quite fascinating how they translate these songs and still try to have them make sense musically. Hearing them in new ways such as this is always pleasing to my ears. Thus, since I had the time to do so, I decided to learn how to sing my favorite Disney song in the following languages (only up till the end of the first chorus, before the key change):
It wasn't as difficult of an endeavor as I imagined it to be. I already knew the English and French versions; as for the others, they all just somehow came into place. I would listen to them on YouTube to mimic the pronunciations, and I would sing them as I read the lyrics to myself, doing so repetitively until they came to my mind naturally. The most difficult one to get would probably have been the Polish, but ah well I did it anyway.
Once I get a video of it I'll see about posting it here.

• While we were in the car stuck in traffic, I listened closely to the radio and heard a song that sung of a man named "John Doe." This immediately made me think of the character from the popular series Game of Thrones (that I have been terribly obsessed with lately thanks to binge watching it over a few days) named Jon Snow. I immediately vowed to write a parody of it. And so, as I was doing my daily routine of 30 laps in the pool, I came up with a parody to the first verse and chorus successfully. Here goes:

"Jon Snow"
Seems like you're one of the Starks too
The way they consider you family,
But look at your story, think of your past now
So if anyone asks,
They're only half-siblings
Your mother's not Catelyn
Everyone knows you're the bastard
Seems like you've found some new brothers
Over at Castle Black like Samwell and Pyp
But you disappeared north, and if anyone asks
You're spying on wildlings
You're tracking Mance Rayder
Who do you think that you're fooling?
Jon Snow
Sworn into the Night's Watch oath
Will you ever come back home?
There is nothing that you know
Jon Snow

The rest of the song is actually a rap, which I haven't adapted, but will wait until I'm reunited with one of my Harvard friends and fellow Game of Thrones fan to work on it.
Ah, nothing quite beats the feeling of accomplishment.
