A toy I would actually get my children

On the same shopping trip mentioned in the previous post, my sister and I also found ourselves in a hobby/collector shop. There, I came across this doll...

For very visible reasons, I was pleased. Although this does nothing about the current income gap between males and females, this at least demonstrates to the youngest of our kind that things like race and gender should not matter in high powered professions, and that they should pursue whatever dreams they damn well please.

Take this image as an example of how society has historically been dominated by the (white, though not relevant here) male:

I find this entertaining and inspiring. Thankfully, times have been changing and girls can be astronauts now, among other things they previously could not. I hope gender equality becomes an actual reality by the time I have my own children so I need not get them that doll and tell them why I find it unique. In the meantime, I might as well help make it happen by studying hard and eventually being a formidable doctor that'd be just as respected and earn just as well as her male equivalents.

(I was gonna use expletives for that last sentence, but my mom reads this and is probably the only person who does so I wasn't going to do it even if they convey my feelings on the subject better) (here mom)
