Fortune cookies

If you're on this blog, then that's done.

Anyway, I received this fortune on May 4, 2013 that I find to be very appropriate and true. (Actually, I don't know if I got it on May 4, or if I got it on some other day, left it laying around, and then finally got around to sticking it in my journal on May 4. But I digress.)

This summer, in fact, I intend to be reunited with numerous old friends. The most recent encounter happened yesterday, on June 21st, here in Manila.

This is Paulina, a girl I knew in elementary school. After 4th grade, she moved to a different school, and I don't think I had seen her since. I would put a picture of us from when we were little since I seem to have a thing for before-after pictures, but a) I'd rather not people see what I looked like way back then, and b) I don't even know if we had many pictures together, considering we had a rivalrous (apparently that's not a word, oh well) relationship. Haha, she brought up about how at school I always held the #1 one spot, and she held #2. Although we laughed about it now, that's certainly not how we viewed it back then. 
All that aside, we were really glad to see each other though. As we were talking, reminiscing about shared memories from elementary school, it felt as if 8 years hadn't passed at all, but when putting into consideration all that has since happened and how much each of us have changed, it almost felt like a lifetime. I suppose it's like that whenever you are reunited with an old friend. 
I don't think I'll see any friends later this summer whom I haven't seen in as long of a time, but I consider them old friends nonetheless. They are old in a way that there was a time in my life where they were geographically close to me and we were able to spend time together, and I have been separated from them for at least a year. Most of all, I really can't wait to see them again.

More reunions to come, more reunions to write about! For now, it's your turn to have a fortune. Who'll probably come true. 
