Look what I found hanging around my house!


Anyway, moving past that completely irrelevant picture, I have now been done with high school for a week.
The first week of June was my last week of high school, and it honestly couldn't have come any sooner because I was so ready for everything to be over.
Senior hall was decorated quite festively, for such an event is worthy of celebration.

Somebody made the faces of the principal and vice principal into coconuts. I don't know why, but I thought the idea was genius and couldn't stop laughing when I saw it.

I thought I was gonna get all nostalgic and sentimental, but honestly, the last few days were extremely anticlimactic. I'm pretty sure everyone's senioritis had gotten terminal. One highlight of the last week though was the senior dance, in which many seniors got together and performed a dance in front of the entire school. Obviously, I was one of these seniors. Our themed attire was American. Here's a pic of some of my econ classmates and me on that day...


In anatomy, we signed a poster with our favorite memories and pieces of advice for future anatomy students. I definitely thought that the cat dissection lab was very informative (not putting pictures here because they're kinda graphic), so I knew I wanted to write something related to that. Well, and I also wanted an excuse to write "It was fun taking the cat out of the bag and learning that there's more than one way to skin a cat."

Graduation was on June 7th. At first I was really excited for the ceremony, then I realized how superfluous it was an how long it would take and I wasn't too enthusiastic about it anymore. I was, however, excited about decorating my graduation cap. I had had the idea in my head for months, and was super stoked to execute it, and I even took pictures of the process.

Meticulously drew out my design onto a square piece of paper the size of my cap. I used a bowl and rulers to make it as precise as I could.

With the help of my dad, I meticulously cut out the sun and pieced it onto the cap

It took many, many coats of acrylic paint due to the cap being black, but it worked!

The finished product - the sun from the Philippine flag + the tricolor bands of the French flag. A cap that sums up my life thus far.

I wanted to have a cap that was uniquely me and could only belong to me, and that design just seemed too perfect. I was very happy with it.
Here is one picture from graduation, featuring a few of my lovely friends and their decorated caps! (Except for my friend who has the IB cape)

Two days ago, I met up with my Romanian friend. She and I went out for lunch the day before senior year, met a couple of times throughout the year, and met again after we had both graduated. How time flies!

September 2013
June 2014
(There isn't really much of a difference, which doesn't make it much of a before-after picture, but here I have another picture to put as a more conclusive before-after)

Preschool graduation 2002 - High school graduation 2014
To finish off this entry, I'll just copy the caption I put for this picture on Facebook. 
Here goes!

If I told my preschool grad self of the life she'd end up living in the time between these two pictures, she'd have thought that I was telling her a story from one of the fantasy adventure books she so voraciously read. 
For how could she have imagined that within those 12 years, she'd have seen 15 different countries and met unforgettable people from faraway places who would become her lifelong friends? How could she have imagined the hardships she would come to face and surmount, as an immigrant starting a completely new life, and as an exchange student with an unquenchable thirst for adventure? Could she have known what it meant to live a life underneath the tropical southeast Asian sun, the American Dream, and La Vie en Rose all in one short lifetime? Even now, I don't think my young mind can properly process all that it has been through. All I know is that I am proud of what I have accomplished, but there's still so much more I am capable of.
With that, it's time to look ahead. Similarly, I don't think I can fathom the opportunities I'll have and discoveries I'll make in the time I have between now and my next graduation. The cities I have yet to see, the friends I have yet to make... I have no problem saying good-bye to high school. I'm too excited to see what's next, and I can't wait for it to start.
But for now, I just want all my friends and family to know that I am grateful for your support, and I could not have done it without you. 

Let the summer begin at last!

P.S. I am indeed going to India, thus fulfilling yet another requirement on my "2014 will deserve a place next to 2013 in my memory if the following things happen" list. I actually leave for the Philippines first on Wednesday. I am bristling with excitement and can't wait to write all about it!
