Me according to BuzzFeed quizzes

I took the title of this blog post from a folder I have in my meticulously organized Photos application on my iPad.
Anyway, lately I've really taken to taking quizzes on BuzzFeed. They're very amusing, the options aren't dead giveaways as to what the answers you could get are, and they're aesthetically pleasing to take. In fact, since I don't really sit and write a blog entry straight without getting distracted and doing other things, I think I'm gonna take one right now.
Yeah so anyway, the folder in my Photos with the same name as this blog post contains screen shots of results I have gotten on BuzzFeed quizzes I've taken in the past. I thought I'd share some with you (with some commentary on what I personally think about them, of course).

1. Which Disney prince is my true love
I mean, while the "romance" check mark on my 2014 checklist hasn't been fulfilled yet, I have room to dream right? This quiz seemed too perfect, as I am a fan of Disney movies and sexy animated men. I think the reason my life's been lacking romance is that guys typically shy away from a girl who is smart and hardworking (which is what I hope I am...). Goofball is also something I'd be totally into.
Anyway, since there were questions I was stumped on which answer I should pick (I liked certain choices I had equally in the same question), I took it again with the modified answers and this is what I got.

Which is totally the answer I was hoping for, since this.

2. What haircut I should actually have
So when I was living in France, I would use this lovely local brand of shampoo and conditioner, Le Petit Marseillais. (Yeah, local over there. Here it'd be considered fancy stuff from the south of France.) It made my hair look absolutely impeccable. I fretted at the thought of not having it to use anymore upon returning from France, so I took home a set. Since it was supposedly for use with long hair, I told myself that I would cut my hair short once I ran out.
Lol not that I did that. People told me they liked my hair long. I liked it long too. But then, after first semester finished, I was getting really tired of taking care of long hair, and it just didn't look as good as it used to anymore. I decided that I needed a change, and would cut my hair over spring break.
During this time of contemplation, I came across this BuzzFeed quiz. Curious, and because I'm kinda addicted to BuzzFeed quizzes, I took it.
I hope it doesn't sound bad to say that after I got that result, I felt that my choice had been officially validated. And yes, the description got it right--I am a hard worker with big ambitions. I am also lazy.
Thus, on March 25th, I got over ten inches of my hair cut. Even better, I was able to donate it!

3. What kind of dog I am
This, or a pug. I know that if I was a dog, I'd be one of those endearing small, stocky flat-faced breeds.
Here's an anecdote: For New Year's Eve 2013/2014, I was invited to a party. No, actually, I organized the party. I wasn't the host though, so I had the privilege of arriving fashionably late. The people who did get there early/on time were wondering where my entourage and I were since they were just sitting around a coffee table playing spoons. I told them not to fear and arrived soon thereafter with three European men and the REAL party.
(totally exaggerating here)
(but in case you were curious, the men I had with me were an Italian, a Swiss, and a Russian)
(k fine the Russian was from near St. Petersburg, so let's consider him European, don't argue)

4. What kind of bird I am
Oh, yes. You bet I'm an adorable thing. ;)

5. What I was in a past life
Man, if I was friends with good old Bill, we'd probably pass the time hurling insults at passerby and crying babies on airplanes. As for the rest of that, I do appreciate the beautiful things in this world like Gaspard Ulliel and other comparable creatures. And yeah, once upon a time, when I lived in the intellectuals' paradise known as France, I was a fantastic writer. (another link to France blog lol) Now this is what I have downgraded myself to.

6. What I should cross off next on my bucket list
YES! I don't think I've brought it up yet in a blog entry, but I am obsessed with learning other languages. It's my favorite intellectual pursuit, and something I seem to have a knack for. Currently, I can speak English, French, Tagalog, and Cebuano (though for those last two, I understand better than I speak considering I was never formally schooled in either of those languages). I took two years of Mandarin in high school and will continue in college, and started learning German when I went to school in France. Hah. Try that- learning a foreign language with another "foreign language" (seeing as French isn't foreign to me anymore) as the reference. There wasn't ever quite a satisfying feeling as being able to speak German with locals when I visited Germany during my exchange last year.
Other languages on my bucket list are: Japanese, Polish, Italian, and Russian. Though if I had the opportunity to learn any language by immersion in a foreign country, really, I would take it. Who knows where I'll end up in the future?
To me, there's just something so alluring about being plopped in a strange new place where you don't know what people around you are saying, and learning a different way of thinking upon eventually learning that language. I miss that. Thank you, BuzzFeed, for hopefully serving as premonition that I will one day experience such an atmosphere again soon.

7. Who I should marry
Good to know, BuzzFeed. Good to know.

8. What kind of wedding I should have
The perfect way to wed my merman!
Or Prince Naveen or Aladdin. Or Shoop.

In all seriousness, though.
Take a BuzzFeed quiz.You know you want something better to do than read my blog.
