
Oregon had been having a pretty mild winter. I mean, at one point it was so warm it felt like summer when I took a day trip to the coast. But on Thursday, February 6th, things changed.
Finally catching up to the rest of the continental United States, the temperatures suddenly dropped. Talk went around school of possibly being released early. At first it was wishful thinking, but then the announcement came out over the intercom that everybody would be released at 11:40. Cheers erupted down the halls, and there was an unquestionable atmosphere of happiness after the bell signaling the end of my second class rang out.
Some of us thought that it might have been a false alarm, that it wouldn't really snow that much. But no one complained. When I left the school, there were snowflakes coming down, though nothing noticeably obstructive.
Turns out that canceling school was the correct decision to make, for in the early afternoon, the snow started piling up.

It didn't stop, and continued on into the evening.

I was suddenly presented with more free time than I knew what to do with, so I started a self-portrait that I had been meaning to do for weeks, and I finished it on Friday. Obviously, we had the day off of school.

Whoa, a full day off unexpectedly! What to do?
Film a music video, of course.

The preview/teaser photo for the music video

It was a spontaneous decision. I didn't even know how to sing "Let It Go" on Friday morning, so I learned, and had to make up harmonies because harmonizing's cool, and our walk down the street was all impromptu. If the walk down the street in the snow didn't kill me, the laughing from watching the music video certainly did. It was a great success, and I was beyond satisfied with it!
I spent all day Saturday chilling at home. I don't even really remember what I did anymore. Some productive work, a lot of eating, a lot of lying down doing nothing. Right, I finally watched the movie Frozen after hearing many things about it for ages. I loved it! Except in the part when the Princess Anna  meets that Hans dude, it reminded me exactly of how I act around guys. I wanted to cry.

Now it's Sunday. This morning, I hoped that the snow stuck around; it did.

The neighborhood became an Arctic wasteland in which one cannot distinguish between the road and the sidewalks.

But it's slowly all melting off, considering the temperature's just above freezing now. Either way, the freak snow storm was a welcome break. I feel so much more relaxed than I thought I would be this weekend (the speech and debate tournament we were supposed to have got cancelled, obviously), and because of that I've had the time to Skype some lovely people (among them a Frenchman ) and write in this blog. Woo-hoo! Sleeping in till 7:10 am is also really nice.
I don't know when I'll have so much free time again, but oh well. It'll be good to be busy. Until next time!
