In retrospect of 2013

I know in a previous entry I said that there would be an entry about 2013, the year that is now officially gone. So here is the said entry, albeit posted way, waaaay later than I had intended. (I do have a life outside this blog)
However, I don't have a life outside Facebook, so on the last day of 2013, I posted a status commemorating 2013. And since I am Oregonian and therefore a fan of recycling, I'm posting that status here, too:
I remember welcoming this year so clearly, for it was one of the best New Year's Eves of my life. And boy did that celebration foreshadow what this year would be like.
It'd be impossible to recount all the things that made this year unforgettable. But here's a short list.
I became fluent in French, while furthering my knowledge of Chinese, German, Polish, Russian, Japanese, and more languages here and there thanks to people from those places.
I rode a gondola through the grand canal in Venice. I went 320 meters up to the top of the Eiffel Tower, I went 320 meters under the earth in a coal mine in Poland. I went swimming in the Atlantic and in the Caribbean. I met my Dutch pen pal in person at a sushi restaurant. History came alive when I visited the Palace of Versailles and the Auschwitz concentration camp. I visited Prague and Krakow, cities worthy of fairy tales. I spent a week in the biggest cruise ship in the world and had my senior pictures taken there by a Turk and a Ukrainian. I sang my heart out with my ukulele and with the piano, and sang with friends who without question will remain my friends for the rest of my life.
I turned 18.
My country of birth was hit by the strongest typhoon recorded this year, which was a blow to my heart.
All this has been incredible. 2014 couldn't possibly attain the standard 2013 set (unless I get accepted to my dream school and end up meeting the perfect guy for me ;) ).
I may not have fallen in love with anyone this year, but hey. I fell in love with everywhere.
I'm not sure if I should add to the list or elaborate on the items already on it. For the latter, I could just attach links to my France blog leading to particular entries that correspond with certain items. I mean, I did spend the entire first half of 2013 as an exchange student, and the second half (with the exception perhaps of July and August) going through the hellish process of applying to colleges (that still isn't over, d'ailleurs). So what should I do? Go through the greatest memories? Narrate them movie-style like I seem to enjoy doing? Add pictures to illustrate each event? The possibilities are endless but sadly I won't go through any of them.
I was recently asked to write a Year In Review to a friend in Australia, in the form of a letter. The letter's writer asked me to tell him in detail what's been going on in my life, and asked me a few questions to give me inspiration, but he added, "knowing you, you don't need any." (I greatly appreciate when people know me that well, but if you spend like ten minutes with me, all those ten minutes taken up by my talking, then you probably would figure that out immediately) So I ended up filling five pages with my tiny handwriting as a response. Ahah.
No, I'm not gonna copy that entire letter on here.
I've been putting off this entry for a long, long time. I told myself that I wouldn't publish another entry until this one got published, so I'll half-ass the rest of this one because I see eventful things coming in the near future that I would want to write about.
Anyway, 2013. It's kind of distant now, and I'm okay with it. 'Twas a fantastic year, full of wonders and adventures and fabulous people whom I will never forget. Needless to say, that year was a monumental one in my life. And I'm very thankful for it.
Here's my wish list for 2014, that I aptly call, "2014 will deserve a place next to 2013 in my memory if the following things happen":
• romance
• more travel, hopefully to somewhere I haven't been to before
• intelligent boyfriend
• acceptance to a dream school
• sexy boyfriend
If not, I'll get over it. I'll get another chance in 2015. Wish me luck!
