How do these things even happen!?

Since this is the second time that this has happened to me, I decided it was worthy of a blog entry.

The first time was weeks ago, can't remember when, during government class, when a friend of mine got one of the classroom's laptops for me to work on.

The second time occurred today when a friend and I each had laptops from the class set to work on a lab report.

Know that I almost rarely use laptops at school because I bring my iPad everyday and it serves for most purposes. So it's odd that it's happened what I would call a disproportionate amount of times. 

For lack of any better name to call it, I am naming this phenomenon the Nicholas Cage Epidemic.

Here's what happens: Unsuspecting, I launch Chrome on a Macbook Air from the school. Google is the homepage, and as usual its colorful letters are the center of the screen. Except after a few moments, it turns into an image of Nicholas Cage.
When I go on any other website, all the images on it are replaced with various pictures of Nicholas Cage.

It happened when I went on my France blog. 

It was all over my Picasa Web albums.

I laugh to myself at the previous thumbnail that was on "iPad uploads" and how it turned into an Access Denied...

I even turned into the man as I signed into Google.

It didn't stop there. It was all over my Google Docs drive.

YouTube wasn't spared.

Neither was my school's website.

The grade book website was plagued as well.

I don't know what the fact that this has happened twice to me is supposed to mean. This blog entry hasn't helped me come to any conclusions other than, "life is strange and the Nicholas Cage Epidemic is proof of it." I need no further explanations, though if this happens again, I'll probably go seek conspiracy theorists. 
