Ah, psychology class. The only class where we can discuss adulterous women, simultaneous beheadings, and the history of psychology (the latter being the most unexpected, of course).

As an opener to class today, the teacher told us a story in a tone of voice that made me think I was in kindergarten. I really quite enjoyed it, thanks. Here is my version of the story.

A long time ago in a land far away lived a woman. This woman married a mediocre guy with a tall/skinny body that wasn't her type, because he was kind of obsessed with her and she figured he'd be loyal to her, and she wouldn't have to worry about getting jealous of some chick more intelligent than her. But then she ended up getting kinda bored with him, since I guess he just wasn't intellectually stimulating enough. So when this new dude moved into town, who was SUPER smart and sexy and had a hot body, she started seeing him in secret.
One day, they were holding hands in the field discussing the intricate art of blog-writing when her husband saw them. Absolutely heartbroken, she said the only way to settle this was for them to duel. The both of them, obviously equally into her, drew out their swords and fought. It ended with each one cutting off the other's head at the same time. So on the field is this woman who really just wanted to marry a smart man, and two not-so-smart men dead on the ground with their heads no longer connected to their bodies.
(This is why I avoid dating in high school)
The woman felt extremely guilty and sought out this witch, asking if she could raise her husband from the dead. The witch, for some reason, sympathized and told the lady she could bring them both back, but she only had one minute to reconnect their heads.
I'm going to assume that there was some supernatural force aiding her in this, because that would be a VERY complicated surgical procedure.
Supposing there was indeed some divine power helping her, she was able to reconnect the heads to their bodies, and both men became resurrected!
Except one thing.
She reconnected her "manstress'" head to her husband's tall/skinny body, and she connected her husband's head to the sexy hot one.
The question is:
Why didn't she just connect her husband's head to the hot body and be done with it?
Who is the mediocre average intelligence husband, and who is the smart sexy manstress?
I'm not gonna give you what my answer was, that's for you to decide.

After that discussion, we then looked at important events in the history of psychology. Such names that popped up were Piaget, Descartes, and Darwin. There was one particular card whose credibility I questioned, though.

I questioned its credibility because I think Pavlov was smarter than to give dogs cookies made for humans. Yeah, I know it's their salvation and all, but maybe he could have substituted them with dog biscuits? Wouldn't they have smelled more appetizing and consequently provided the dogs with a more valid salvation? Luckily for him PETA didn't exist at that time, so he was let off easy.

I, on the other hand, wholeheartedly believe that cookies might just be humans' salvation. Look at them.

Thank you for your insight, Pavlov. I'm looking forward to what other groundbreaking revelations will occur in my 1B Psychology class.
